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How to have great ideas

Strategy 3: Carve out blank space

Why is it that the harder we think about something, the less progress we seem to make? It's partly to do with the way that focused thinking blocks our brains from making deep and insightful connections. Carving out blank spaces is a simple way to unleash our brains to generate transformational ideas.
Interested to find out how to carve out blank spaces for yourself, and why they're so effective? Read the post here
Graphic. Centre circle "How to have great ideas". Smaller circle "Carve out blank space"


Change is the end result of all true learning

Leo Buscaglia

Quick bite:

When we face a problem, we’re sometimes so busy trying to fix it that we don’t look at the causes. Use the ‘Five Why’ technique to get to the root cause so you can stop the problem from coming back.
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