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How to have great ideas

Strategy 6: Use a theme or vision

It seems like a paradox, but focusing our thinking by using a theme or vision can help us think more deeply and creatively. And deep, creative thinking helps us generate great ideas.
In the article, I give several examples of people who used themes or visions to guide their thinking and achieve outstanding results. And I sound two warnings: using a theme or vision isn't bulletproof, and we need to take care of the metaphors we use.
Ready to get started? Read the article here
Graphic. Centre circle "How to have great ideas". Smaller circle "Create a theme or vision"


Chaos is not the lack of order, it is merely the absence of order, that the observer is used to

Mamur Mustapha

Quick bite:

Simon Sinek says, "Start with 'why'". When people know why they're doing something, they can make smart decisions when faced with unexpected situations. Make sure you and your people know the 'why' (purpose) of what you're doing each day.
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