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Hi, reader!

The Personal Mastermind community continues to grow, and our readers are having fascinating and in-depth conversations about what we're reading, and how we're applying it in our lives and work.

We are kicking off 2023 with 'Playing Big' by Tara Mohr. In 'Playing Big', Tara Mohr shares about how we all have an Inner Critic and an Inner Mentor.

Many of us are far more familiar with the voice of the Inner Critic, who tells us things that keep us playing small.
The key to playing bigger in our lives is to learn how to manage our Inner Critic, and listen to our Inner Mentor.

Our Inner Mentor helps us to:
  • look at our fears in new, more empowering ways,
  • unhook from praise and criticism,
  • leave good-student habits behind,
  • come out of hiding,
  • leap into bold action with do-able steps,
  • communicate with power,
  • follow our callings, and
  • do it all with ease.
The book is full of stories of women who have learned how to dance with their Inner Critic and following the promptings of their Inner Mentor, to create the kind of impact they have been longing for. And there are exercises and journalling prompts in every chapter, to help you make the most of your read.

What kind of fear are you feeling?

One thing that leapt out at me in Chapter 3 (which we'll be discussing next week) is that there are different types of fear that we can experience.

Mohr uses the Hebrew terms pachad and yirah. Pachad is what most of us would think of as fear: the gripping and paralysing emotion that makes us think of the worst-case scenarios. Yirah, by contrast, is a more subtle emotion that can arise when we have stepped into a new spaciousness or level of energy, or when we sense the presence of the divine.

Pachad stops us in our tracks and keeps us playing small. Yirah can inspire us to step out, step up, and play bigger.

Reflection questions:
  • Where are you feeling pachad in your life? How is that affecting you? What steps can you take to soothe those fears?
  • Where are you feeling yirah in your life? How can you use it inspire you to play bigger?

Coming up...

We'll be reading 'Playing Big' until the end of March. We have lots of other amazing books in our reading plan too, which we'll be sharing about as the year progresses.

In April and May, we'll be working through Katy Milkman's practical and helpful book 'How to Change'.

It's a handbook full of strategies that will help you get to where you want to be.

If you'd like to find out more about joining a Personal Mastermind group, reply to this email and we'll set up a time to chat.
You can join at any time - reading notes are provided, so you'll be able to catch up with what the group has been reading.

We're based in Aotearoa New Zealand, and our one-hour meetings have start times between 8am and 11am - use this timezone meeting converter with 'Auckland' as the first city to convert to your timezone.
The Personal Mastermind newsletter is brought to you by Daria Williamson.

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