I believe the internet should be an open, fair and transparent place where we can share information, views and opinions in a way that is accessible to all. This policy is a statement of what I do to make my website and social media postings accessible.
Capitalising hashtags
When I use multi-word hashtags, I do my best to ensure that the first letter of each word is capitalised. Why? Because I learned this can help people who use screen readers to better understand what I’ve written. Screen readers may read out multi-word hashtags that don’t have capitalisation as gibberish. Capitalising the initial letters means that screen readers will read out each word.
Alt-text image attributes
When I place an image in one of my posts or pages, I use the “alt-text” box to briefly describe the image. Screen readers capture and read out this information. This helps anyone visiting my page get a full understanding of what is presented.
I am still learning about how to make social media accessible to people with differing abilities. I use resources like this to learn about how I can support social media accessibility.
I’d love to hear from anyone who has more insight into this.
In both cases, whether capitalising words in hashtags or adding alt-text attributes, my goal is to promote the accessibility in my little corner of the internet.
I welcome feedback about how I can make my website more accessible. You can contact me by email or phone.