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Great ideas: Strategy 2 – read, watch, and listen broadly
Reading Time: 7 minutes Welcome back to the “How to have great ideas” series. My previous article covered the first strategy for having great ideas, which is to have
Why you need rest to be your best
Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s a bit ironic that I created the template for this article but never got around to writing it until I was forced into a
How-to: be a great leader during a crisis
Reading Time: 9 minutes Leadership is a challenging endeavour at the best of times. You’re juggling multiple streams of information, competing goals, shifting targets, and the glorious messiness that
Website and social media accessibility policy
Reading Time: 2 minutes I believe the internet should be an open, fair and transparent place where we can share information, views and opinions in a way that is
The power of a clear “No”
Reading Time: 5 minutes The first time I heard the phrase “No is a complete sentence”, it blew my mind. All my life, I’d believed that if I said
Success – what matters more, talent or hard work?
Reading Time: 6 minutes We live in a culture that worships talent as the path to success. Have you heard people describe someone at the top of their game
Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses
Reading Time: 6 minutes If you’re like me, you have sat in countless training sessions or performance reviews being told to identify your weaknesses and develop strategies to compensate
Goldilocks and a Pile of Salt – Why You CAN Have Too Much of a Good Thing
Reading Time: 5 minutes ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ was one of my favourite fairy tales growing up. Salt is one of my favourite condiments. It seems weird to
How to create a brighter future for yourself
Reading Time: 2 minutes It is within your power to create a brighter future for yourself. And that starts right now! Who are you being right now? Have you
The “potentiate” approach
Reading Time: 2 minutes Many years ago, I came across the concept of “potentiation”. I immediately recognised it as a powerful metaphor for how I work. In fact, I
Why we need to make time to play
Reading Time: 8 minutes When was the last time you were at play? Hopefully, it was in the last few days. But if you’re like most adults, you’ll probably
How-to: Life area measurement exercise
Reading Time: 4 minutes In my post on self-care, I recommend that you conduct a life area measurement exercise. This simple exercise will help you identify what aspects of
Why You Need To Practice Strategically Flexible Leadership
Reading Time: 5 minutes The old practice of business leadership is to use one approach no matter what the situation is or who is involved. It’s the “if all
Why we need to ditch certainty and embrace uncertainty
Reading Time: 8 minutes Certainty is highly prized; so much of what we do and say revolves around creating certainty for ourselves, or projecting an aura of certainty for
Continuous improvement
Reading Time: 3 minutes My entire philosophy is based on two core beliefs: that change is possible, and that we can always be a little bit better today than
Leadership Toolbox: how to create a self-care plan
Reading Time: 7 minutes As leaders, we need a comprehensive toolbox to succeed in our roles. I’ll be publishing a series of posts on leadership tools in coming months,