
A family sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace with stockings on the mantle, and a Christmas tree by the window

75 Ways To Use Your Strengths During The Festive Season

Reading Time: 8 minutesAs we move into the festive season, it’s a perfect time to look for new ways to use your strengths to support your wellbeing, create enjoyable celebrations, and help your favourite people in the world use their strengths too. I’ve created a playbook of ideas for how you can use each of the 75 strengths […]

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illustration of woman standing inside a chart showing increasing performance, which is what you'll see when you use your unrealised strengths more

How To Use Your Unrealised Strengths More Frequently

Reading Time: 5 minutesAs I wrote in a recent article, one of the best ways to boost your energy, engagement and achievement is use your unrealised strengths more often. That’s because they are like hidden treasure – things you are already great at, and that light you up. But the reason they are “unrealised” is because you aren’t using

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Blue metal tool

What Are Your Unrealised Strengths And Why Do They Matter So Much?

Reading Time: 4 minutesImagine that you are facing a problem that is preventing you from moving forward, and you don’t know how to solve. You try one thing after another. Something that has always worked for you in the past. Something that you’ve always been praised for. Something that everyone always assumes is the “right” way to solve

What Are Your Unrealised Strengths And Why Do They Matter So Much? Read More »

A diagram of the 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

The Link Between Appreciative Inquiry and Strengths

Reading Time: 4 minutesAppreciative Inquiry is a method for solving problems and implementing change by focusing on the positive. It emerged from the work of David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in the late 1980s, and has since been used by businesses, teams and organisations around the world. The Ai (1) approach is perfectly aligned with the strengths-led approach,

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A long exposure photograph of a person swinging a large sparkler over their head

Unrealised strengths: how to ignite your every endeavour

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe world is slowing waking up to the idea that working with our strengths is a far more enjoyable, interesting and productive approach than focusing on fixing our weaknesses. For the same amount of time and energy, we get far greater results when working with our strengths than trying to drag our weaknesses up to

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A young boy dressed in a cape and sunglasses, with arm outstretched to the sky.

Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses

Reading Time: 6 minutesIf you’re like me, you have sat in countless training sessions or performance reviews being told to identify your weaknesses and develop strategies to compensate for or overcome them. Did anyone ever tell you to focus on your strengths? It seems to be a totally foreign concept in most workplaces. But focusing on strengths will

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