
We’re Doing Leadership All Wrong – Let’s Fix That!

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re doing leadership all wrong and it drives me batty 🤬 We throw people in the deep end with no training or support, and then scratch our heads trying to figure out why they aren’t achieving the goals we set them. And the worst bit is that, instead of throwing them a lifeline, we criticise […]

We’re Doing Leadership All Wrong – Let’s Fix That! Read More »

Selective focus photo of a stack of paperback and hardcover books on a table.

Personal Mastermind: What we’re reading

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve been participating in and running Personal Mastermind book clubs since early 2021, and they have been such wonderful experiences. Not only are they a great way to learn about and read excellent books, they’re also a great forum for discussion and building relationships with fantastic people. The Personal Mastermind format Each Personal Mastermind group

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Podcast promotional tile, with title of podcast, a photo of Daria Williamson, and The Auckland Marketing Club logo

Podcast Appearance: How to Use Your Genius Strengths to Do More of What You Love

Reading Time: 18 minutes My friend Karl Craig-West hosted me on his podcast to talk about how to use your Genius strengths to do more of what you love. We talk about how you can figure out and use your Genius strengths, how to spot and collaborate with other people’s strengths, and how to use your unique strengths to

Podcast Appearance: How to Use Your Genius Strengths to Do More of What You Love Read More »

photo of person using treadmill

How To Get Off The Hedonic Treadmill

Reading Time: 6 minutes Every New Year people hit the gym and jump on a treadmill to undo their Christmas excesses without understanding the real issue: getting stuck on the hedonic treadmill.  Thankfully, once we become aware of how the hedonic treadmill operates, we can implement strategies to minimise its impact, or even help us jump off it. What

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A photograph of a park with large trees in the background and a bed of different flowers in the foreground

Why Gardening Is A Great Metaphor For Working With Strengths

Reading Time: 10 minutes This morning, as I sat outside with my coffee admiring my summer flowers, I realised that gardening is a great metaphor for working with strengths.  There are so many different elements to consider as you plan and care for your garden. And the way you understand and work with each element contributes to the outcome

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A hand positionining the "0" candle, which spells out 2022 in golden candles on a peach background

The 86 Days In 2022 When You Can Create Lasting Change

Reading Time: 4 minutes Why do people make New Year resolutions? After all, 1st January is a day just like any other day in the calendar, right? Or is it? The New Year resolution approach to lasting change (and why it doesn’t work) Depending on who you listen to, between 25% and 75% of the population will make New

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A photo of a person with a box over their head labelled "brain" and a hand putting the word "idea" into the box

The Best and Wisest Piece of Advice I Ever Received

Reading Time: 5 minutes Back in my early 20s, I was given a piece of advice, and told that it works in every situation that humans face.  I initially couldn’t (or rather, wouldn’t!) accept the idea that it could apply in every context. And I tried really hard to imagine a situation in which it wouldn’t work… but even

The Best and Wisest Piece of Advice I Ever Received Read More »

A diagram of the 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

The Link Between Appreciative Inquiry and Strengths

Reading Time: 4 minutes Appreciative Inquiry is a method for solving problems and implementing change by focusing on the positive. It emerged from the work of David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in the late 1980s, and has since been used by businesses, teams and organisations around the world. The Ai (1) approach is perfectly aligned with the strengths-led approach,

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