
We’re Doing Leadership All Wrong – Let’s Fix That!

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re doing leadership all wrong and it drives me batty 🤬 We throw people in the deep end with no training or support, and then scratch our heads trying to figure out why they aren’t achieving the goals we set them. And the worst bit is that, instead of throwing them a lifeline, we criticise […]

We’re Doing Leadership All Wrong – Let’s Fix That! Read More »

shallow focus photography of yellow star lanterns

Is Your Team Made Up of Rockstars or Superstars?

Reading Time: 3 minutes I love the distinction that Kim Scott makes in her book ‘Radical Candor‘ [non-affiliate link] between rockstars and superstars. And I think it has huge implications for how we lead, manage, and shape teams in our workplaces. Rockstars vs Superstars – the definitions 🌟 Rockstar: a solid, stable performer on a gradual growth trajectory, or

Is Your Team Made Up of Rockstars or Superstars? Read More »

Red neon sign saying "Pizza", with the Z's forming a lightning bolt

What A Pizza Disaster Can Teach Us About Mistakes

Reading Time: 4 minutes Life tends to serve me up metaphors at every turn – and the last day of 2021 gave me a fantastic object lesson in my attitude towards mistakes. The Great Pizza Disaster of 2021 I was given a pizza stone for Christmas, and was excited to take it for a whirl. My wonderful friends K

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A photo of a white jigsaw puzzle on a black background, with a piece missing

How Can We Deal With “Wicked Problems”?

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the concept of “wicked problems”. More and more, we’re facing complex and challenging issues as individuals, partners, parents, work teams and as a society. So what should we do when we’re faced with a problem that doesn’t have a simple solution? Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as finding

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Diverse group of men and women with their arms around each other facing a blackboard

Why You Need To Practice Strategically Flexible Leadership

Reading Time: 5 minutes The old practice of business leadership is to use one approach no matter what the situation is or who is involved. It’s the “if all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” style of leadership.  A newer style of leadership is situational, where you pick from one of four approaches, based on

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Different coloured paper boats on a white background

Why Are We Ignoring The Need For Strategically Flexible Leadership?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Since early 2020, all of the focus about flexible work seems to be on what arrangements need to be made for workers to get things done, and not on how they need to be led. That needs to change. Here I introduce an approach I have called Strategically Flexible Leadership, which I believe addresses the

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A photo of a person with a box over their head labelled "brain" and a hand putting the word "idea" into the box

The Best and Wisest Piece of Advice I Ever Received

Reading Time: 5 minutes Back in my early 20s, I was given a piece of advice, and told that it works in every situation that humans face.  I initially couldn’t (or rather, wouldn’t!) accept the idea that it could apply in every context. And I tried really hard to imagine a situation in which it wouldn’t work… but even

The Best and Wisest Piece of Advice I Ever Received Read More »

A diagram of the 5 principles of Appreciative Inquiry

The Link Between Appreciative Inquiry and Strengths

Reading Time: 4 minutes Appreciative Inquiry is a method for solving problems and implementing change by focusing on the positive. It emerged from the work of David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in the late 1980s, and has since been used by businesses, teams and organisations around the world. The Ai (1) approach is perfectly aligned with the strengths-led approach,

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Word cloud. "Change" is the biggest word, surrounded by other words associated with leading and managing change

Simple Strategies for Leading and Managing Change

Reading Time: 7 minutes Leading and managing change is one of the greatest challenges that leaders face. And it is also one of the greatest opportunities you have to transform the teams and organisations you work in, and the people you work with, for the better. Choosing to engage in change can be empowering and inspiring. But we don’t

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