I regularly publish posts and articles on science-backed tools, best practices, techniques, insights, strategies and knowledge. They’re all designed to make the “human” stuff a little easier.
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My 5-star books of 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutesI read a tonne of books every year, and track all of my reads, from 5-star to 1-star, on Goodreads (check out my profile and reading lists here.) And because I religiously track what I’ve

My 5-star reads of 2024 – list version
Reading Time: 3 minutesHere are my 5-star reads of 2024, in list format. If you’d like the pretty, picture-rich version with all the linky goodness, plus my reviews, check it out here. I read a tonne of books

How to run strategic strength experiments
Reading Time: 6 minutesThe fastest way to get the power of your personal strengths working for you is to run strategic strengths experiments. Using The Strengths Deck, a tool I developed to help you get up close and

Watch now: Personal strengths masterclass
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAre you ready for a masterclass in personal strengths? Listen in on this conversation between me, Christopher Miller and Paul Fawcett as we talk about what personal strengths are, and why they matter so much
We’re Doing Leadership All Wrong – Let’s Fix That!
Reading Time: 3 minutesWe’re doing leadership all wrong and it drives me batty 🤬 We throw people in the deep end with no training or support, and then scratch our heads trying to figure out why they aren’t
How to create a brighter future for yourself
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is within your power to create a brighter future for yourself. And that starts right now! Who are you being right now? Have you fallen into a pattern of how you show up at
Series pages
Series: How to turn great ideas into great results
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWelcome to my series on “How to turn great ideas into great results”. On this page, you’ll find links to the articles I’ve written detailing
Series: How to have great ideas
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWelcome to my series on “How to have great ideas”. On this page, you’ll find links to the articles I’ve written detailing strategies for having
General posts

How To Choose Your Approach This Silly Season
Reading Time: 6 minutesAs Christmas and the New Year draw near, it’s a great time to choose your approach for the silly season. You don’t have to sit back and wait for things

The Scientific Way To Become More Lucky
Reading Time: 5 minutesDo you believe that it’s possible to become more lucky? Most people tend to think that they, and others, are either lucky, or unlucky – but even if you think

Experiencing coronavirus fatigue? You’re not alone.
Reading Time: 10 minutesIn these coronavirus-impacted times, fatigue seems to be a near-universal experience. Many people are wondering why they feel so tired when they’ve just had weeks of reduced activities and travel.

Burnout or balance: which will you choose?
Reading Time: 4 minutesI love my work. I love the flexibility to choose my hours and the interesting and fun projects and activities I get to do for my clients. But I was

Do You Know What Time It Is?
Reading Time: 4 minutesTime. Despite the English language’s love of pillaging other languages for rich and varied vocabulary, it forces this one tiny word to cover two very different concepts. In contrast, the

Culture element: communication
Reading Time: 7 minutesThe element of communication is one of the most significant building-blocks to your organisational culture. We spend most of our days communicating with others. But how often do we stop